There’s no such thing as taking a vacation from cybersecurity. In a new Tech Talks Daily podcast, Mark Hughes, president of Security at DXC Technology, discusses how large, global organizations can manage and protect against the seemingly endless cascade of cyberattacks. Security issues must be dealt with at every turn in the enterprise, from identifying and fighting the “enemy within” to eliminating the threats that may exist among the wealth of exceptional services we enjoy today. 

“Managing the complexity that has grown through all those benefits that come from all those great services is a really big challenge,” Hughes says. “It’s about being diligent in a way we haven’t had to be diligent before. It’s about making sure the control around all those environments is in place.”  

Enterprises must focus and prioritize their security investments to target their particular overarching risks. Everyone needs to make sure that all that is sensitive to them is kept safe by using the tools that are out there, Hughes says.

Hughes also discusses practicing smart security and establishing necessary authentication processes in the metaverse, “It’s a different environment in the metaverse,” he says. “Identity is a big challenge for most organizations, even for us, in our own personal lives. We need to be careful about how we protect our identity.”

You can listen to the podcast interview, hosted by tech columnist, tech blogger, and podcast host and producer Neil C. Hughes, on The TechTalk Daily PodcastAppleGoogleSpotifyYoutube and Libsyn.

Learn about DXC Security.